Ufficio in casa: 10 idee per piccole postazioni di lavoro

Home office: 10 ideas for small workstations

When we talk about Home Office, you may be running out of space but not of inspirations. For this reason we have selected for you 10 Ideas for Small Workstations, which have nothing to envy to the Maxi ones.

When we talk about Home Office, you may be running out of space but not of inspirations. For this reason we have selected for you 10 Ideas for Small Workstations, which have nothing to envy to the Maxi ones. We bet that in the morning you won't wait to sit at your desk! Let's find out together.

1. Wardrobe Office: Outside the Skeletons, Inside the Study

Scrivania incassata nel muro

Photo Credits: Pinterest

If you don't have extra space for your home office, you will need to get it. How? Putting your face close to the wall, for example. Far from being a punishment, this trick will allow you to have a small space dedicated to your work, in which you can organize everything you need. The only precaution you need to have is to study adequate lighting, which compensates for the lack of natural light.

2. The Veranda Study

Studio ricavato in una veranda

Photo Credits: Pinterest

Are the spaces at home minimized? You just have to cross over the balcony, and more precisely on the veranda. This solution has two great advantages: privacy and light. Check for annoying glares on the screen and get a heating source for winter days. After that, your office in veranda will be as comfortable and welcoming as one in the house.

3. A Study in the Bedroom

Studio in camera da letto

Photo Credits: Pinterest

The idea of ​​working where you sleep may not be exciting. However, in the absence of alternatives you can always think of optimizing the space of the bedroom, replacing the desk with a shelf (maybe retractable). A painting, a bulletin board, shelves and the right accessories will do the rest.

4. Bunk bed with Study area

Scrivania ricavata in un letto a castello

Photo Credits: Pinterest

A variation of the above point is to place the desk under an elevated bed. If the height is not a problem the result will be very impressive. To avoid straining your eyes, remember to choose a table lamp that guarantees adequate lighting.

5. Office in the Attic

Ufficio in Mansarda

Photo Credits: Pinterest

Even the attic can host a respectable home office. Of course, avoid the dark corners to place your desk and make sure you have the enough height to get out of the chair without banging your head.

6. A "Mobile" Office

Ufficio ricavato in una terrazza

Photo Credits: Pinterest

A minimal and smart idea is that of a small desk to be attached to the railing for an En Plain Air Study. The perfect solution for summer days, where you would like to be everywhere less than at work, a little less for winter one.

7. A Study in the Basement

Studio nel Seminterrato

Photo Credits: Pinterest

If the basement is habitable it is the ideal place to get a small workstation, especially if you are lucky enough to have an independent entrance (you could even receive clients). If space lacks, you can use the wall of the staircase to create a work top both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

8. The Study in the Living Room

Studio in Salotto

Photo Credits: Pinterest

What better area than the living room to help your work routine? A niche in a wall or a shelf near the bookcase will give you the comfort you are looking for, sacrificing only a few square meters.

9. The Study on the Loft

scrivania e studio sul Soppalco

Photo Credits: Pinterest

A loft for your home office is an appealing idea if you live in a mezzanine or have an space suitable for getting one. The only defect is the lack of soundproofing, so if there is a party it will be difficult to concentrate!

10. A Study in the Staircase

Scrivania ricavata nel sottoscala

Photo Credits: Pinterest

If the configuration of the staircase allows you, you can easily get a small office from which keep everything under control. Even in this case, the flaw is the lack of privacy, but the universe will have to balance the great luck of being a home worker, right?!

We have come to the end of this roundup of photos with a lot of inspirations. After all, after having talked about the joys of the desk pads and the endless possibilities of the design for the desk, we could only suggest some Ideas for a Small Home Office.


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