Materiali e Texture dall'ispirazione naturale, per un ufficio armonioso

Materials and textures inspired by nature, for the harmonious office

Natural materials are essential for creating a harmonious and exclusive work space: leather conveys quality and timeless elegance.
Mocha Mousse: Il colore Pantone del 2025 che trasforma il design d'ufficio

Mocha Mousse: The Pantone colour of 2025 that transforms office design

Mocha Mousse is ideal for transforming workspaces into balanced and stimulating environments, reducing visual stress and promoting productivity.
Trasformare lo spazio di lavoro: Tra idee regalo per Natale e tendenze di Design per il 2025
Eglooh News

Transforming the workspace: Christmas gift ideas and design trends for 2025

Renew your workspace, through the major trends of 2025, with a selection of gift ideas by Eglooh, to make unique every desk.
Il Black Friday Eglooh è qui: Scopri le offerte per trasformare il tuo spazio di lavoro!
Eglooh News

Eglooh Black Friday is here: Explore the deals and transform your workspace!

Eglooh celebrates the Black Friday with unmissable promotions to enrich your workspace with exclusive leather desk accessories.
Le novità Eglooh di fine 2024: Eleganza e funzionalità epiche per gli accessori d'ufficio
Eglooh News

New Eglooh items for the end of 2024: Office accessories of epic elegance and functionality

Eglooh adds new accessories to its collections: coasters, waste baskets, letter holders and products made of fine woven real leather.
L'evoluzione degli spazi di lavoro: flessibilità, benessere e tecnologie intelligenti

The evolution of workspaces: flexibility, well-being and smart technologies

Eglooh, with its elegant and practical desk accessories, meets the evolution and new needs of workspaces with style and innovation.
Eglooh Style

Home Sapiens & Eglooh: Bringing together design and quality for flawless interiors

The accessories of Eglooh have been selected by the Croatian design studio Home Sapiens for a project based on design, craftsmanship and quality.
Creatività e ispirazione: come gli accessori per la scrivania possono stimolare la tua mente
Eglooh Style

Creativity and inspiration: how desk accessories can spark your mind

The desk accessories by Eglooh, with their quality and thoughtful design, are ideal for those who want to create a stimulating and productive workspace.
L'arte della personalizzazione: come creare accessori per la scrivania unici
Eglooh Style

The art of customisation: how to create unique desk accessories

Customising desk accessories is a way to express one's identity and to enhance one's daily work experience.
L’eleganza del benessere: La trasformazione della Clínica Forcada a Madrid con lo Studio Laura Yerpes
Eglooh Style

Wellness elegance: The transformation of Clínica Forcada in Madrid with Estudio Laura Yerpes

The accessories of Eglooh were selected by Studio Laura Yerpes for an interior design project for Clínica Forcada in Madrid.
Milano Design Week e Salone del Mobile 2024: Sperimentazioni di design creative e sostenibili

Milan Design Week and Salone del Mobile 2024: Creative and sustainable design experiments

The Salone del Mobile is more than just a tradeshow: it is a living laboratory in which experimentation, innovation and art declined through design converge.
Il potere del minimalismo: semplifica la tua scrivania con stile
Eglooh Style

The power of minimalism: simplify your desk with style

A minimalist desk promotes concentration and creativity: the accessories by Eglooh are designed with the aim of combining form and function.


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