With summer and the vacation break, desks may seem like a distant memory. And yet, the time between August and September is one of the busiest for tech and gaming events, which have a lot to do with desktops.
The online conferences related to the Games Industry are starting soon, with developers, Gamescom and digital meetups. At the same time, preparations are in full swing for the most important events related to the Web and the latest technologies, due to take place this autumn.
Whether for a gamer or a tech-addict, the desk becomes a key place for this annual turnaround, with a touch of personality by Eglooh!
Gamer Setup

Headsets, controllers, dual or even triple screens: a gamer's desk can be recognised at first glance by the tools chosen to make sessions more effective.
However, the liveability of a workstation is more than just visual appeal.
Staying in front of screens for hours at a time becomes demanding, and it is essential to be organised both physically and in terms of design. A postural chair is a good starter, while a gaming-proof deskpad becomes the turning point.
The agility of the game, the smoothness of a mouse or the right support for keyboards and consoles: every aspect is precious for those who are now at high levels of competitiveness, and handsets like Adamantis make everything easier to manage.

Tech-savvy, a disposition that transforms the desk

It's not just gaming we're talking about when it comes to technology. Tech-addicts belong to the gaming world as well as to various categories related to the digital sphere.
Whether they are people who are deeply connected to the web by profession, or enthusiasts of every advancement in the broader field, the character of a tech lover emerges prominently on their desk.
Fluidity and the ability to transform with the latest digital developments are the two focal points of this personality, which emerges through the smallest details: the version Deluxe of Urania blends with practicality into the context, providing an element of stability.

Efficient spaces with a tech soul: connect with your style!

Keeping up with technology can be challenging. To be able to have efficient spaces that are on trend with the latest developments, nothing beats customisable design elements, ready to cover surfaces of all kinds and sizes.
This summer, connect with the style that best suits your desk and bring your tech soul to life with Eglooh!