According to Designer Robert L. Peters, "Design creates culture, culture shapes values, values determine the future." It therefore seems logical that, in the face of the challenges of each era, interior design and architecture are intrinsically linked to the future of people, interpreting the needs of a changing society and culture.
But what makes a work environment relevant to the times, besides the trends of the moment?
The emphasis for office configurations, desk locations and, last but not least, smartworking has increasingly focused on space quality and all-round livability, aiming at a combination of elements, including lighting, smart technologies and taking care of individual as well as collective needs.
Eglooh has explored some of the most interesting features, to envision a truly human and worker-friendly professional environment.
Coworking and shared spaces

Throughout the years preceding the healthcare crisis, collaborative needs have had a major influence on configurations within teams and offices, leading to the concept of Coworking emerging as a new work paradigm.
Freedom of interaction and the experience of spatiality that eliminates the traditional division based on fixed locations has encouraged a fluidity of people and roles, eliminating some stiffness within the office system and adapting to contingent needs in a very human way.
While Coworking areas have prompted companies to re-imagine the internal layout of their environments, re-evaluating the boundaries and delimitations between desks, on the other hand they have translated into real environments totally shared between different companies and professionals.
Even in pandemic times this trend has not stopped: external Coworking spaces, in fact, continue to be widely appreciated, thanks to a constant common cleaning, an adequate spacing and a dynamic that, in general, guarantees safety to those who work, while preserving an environment that promotes sociability and thus responds to a very urgent need.
Curated and functional lighting

One of the components that most influence well-being in the workplace is lighting, which, amidst design trends and changing spatial conditions, must find the right balance between visual impact and functionality.
The way in which a space is illuminated can totally change the perception of the observer and, not less, can also affect the health of those who work there.
In fact, a truly people-friendly environment must take into account the light spread within a room, whether natural - which is often preferable - or artificial: it is necessary to understand the right intensity, the distribution of lighting accessories, the effects on the quality of workers' eyesight and, consequently, on productivity.
The optimal distribution within a context considers both aesthetics and the real needs of those who live in it, identifying the practical applications of a desk lamp or LED wall applique above all.
Professional and home-based Technological choices

Technology goes hand in hand with everyday design, thanks to the concept of "Internet of Things". Objects have always interacted with people, in everyday life, and especially since Smart components such as speakers and interactive audiovisual technologies have taken over in home or work spaces.
Thanks to artificial intelligence, we can manage access to environments such as meeting rooms and offices, but also optimize work processes from home, controlling the brightness of the rooms, integrating filters that purify the air, using VOIP tools and connecting different devices.
An interactive network between people and technology that can inhabit any kind of space and desk.
Customized, personal and ergonomic expressions

In conclusion, there are several areas that are always relevant to consider when trying to make a space more human.
Certainly, a customized object that gives an extra touch is always appreciated, both as an act of corporate care towards workers, as well as an expression of personality, especially if we talk about products that support workplace ergonomics.
Customizable desk design elements are the choice that we, as Eglooh, have imagined for professionals, aware that we want to give a unique and colorful touch of humanity, attentive to business needs.